Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What’s up with this TwoOvrTen?

#TwoOvrTen is the result of an inspiring couple of days at Catalyst in Atlanta, October of 2015.

During those two days I heard three of the most inspiring talks I have ever heard! One was from a man who in spite of incredible challenges has achieved great success and significance. The second was how God has created us to dream and create and share all of our gifts for God and with others. The third message came from Numbers 13. This is the story of the 12 spies who went into Canaan the first time and 10 of the spies overruled the two who had faith.The result was 40 years of wandering in the

And as I reflected on that story I thought about how it would have changed history if it had not been the Ten over the two. But what if it had been the two over the ten!

What if all the doubt and fear and discouragement of the ten had been overcome by the faith and hope and courage of the two? What if that could happen in all of our lives? What if we could live #TwoOvrTen lives every day of our life?

And so I decided that I wanted to be the kind of person who lives #TwoOvrTen! I decided I want to help other people live #TwoOvrTen lives. I want the story of my life to be about how I chose to believe God and see what God wants to do in my life.  I want the same thing for you!

I want you to join me in this. I want you to dream big and risk something.

So as often as I possibly can I’m going to share thoughts of encouragement and inspiration with you in every way I can. Follow me on twitter and Instagram @kennhucks.

I want you to share your dreams and desires using the hashtag #TwoOvrTen . I want you let go and let God take you places you never thought you would have the courage to go!
Beginning now you are not going to listen to the ten.
You are not going to listen to the naysayers and critics.
You are not going to listen to that old voice inside of your head that says you can’t or what if…

But beginning right you’re gonna claim #TwoOvrTen and become all that God has created you to be!